Safe Crossing Procedures
When the school bus comes to a child's bus stop, it may be necessary for the child to cross the street to board or exit the bus. It is required that the child follow the "Safe Crossing Procedure" that was developed for school bus safety in New York State.
Exiting the School Bus
- "Check BEFORE You Step"
It has been reported that young people have been hit by bicyclists and passing motorists as they stepped off the school bus. A glance both ways before exiting the door provides that extra margin of safety. - "I See the Driver, the Driver Sees Me"
Children should walk 15 feet (at least 10 GIANT steps) out in front of the school bus. The child should be in the driver’s VISION at all times. - "Wait for the Driver’s Signal to Cross"
The driver, utilizing mirrors and proper crossing procedures, will signal the child to cross. Wait for the “Universal Crossing Signal.” - "Look Left, Right and Left Again"
Children need to stop at the front left corner of the bus, in front of driver and look both ways before they cross the rest of the street. This will help them spot passing motorists (on the left side of the bus) early enough to retreat to the safety of the bus. They should never run across the street without stopping to look.

The crossing poster illustrates four life saving tips.
* Safe Crossing Procedure for boarding the school bus
These same procedures can be adjusted for the time when a student must cross to board the school bus. The illustration shows proper crossing procedures for school bus riders who must cross the road prior to boarding the bus or after being discharged from the bus. Please review these procedures with your children; if they must cross the road in front of the bus, knowledge of safe crossing procedures is vital.
* “Universal Danger Signal”
The driver sounding the bus horn is the "Universal Danger Signal". This sound means the area the child is about to walk into is not safe. If the child hears the bus horn, they are possibly in danger of a passing car and need to go back, immediately, in the direction that they came from.
Use Backpacks or Book Bags
Students should carry loose objects in backpacks so they are less likely to drop something while crossing in front of the bus. Do not attach things to the outside of the backpack, they could become caught on the bus. If the backpack should became caught on something near or on the bus they should leave it and move away from the bus quickly and wave their arms to get the bus drivers attention.