Transportation Request Forms
The 2024-25 student bus routes will be mailed home during the last week of August and will also be accessible digitally through the ParentSquare App and the My Ride K-12 App. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student's transportation information, please contact the Transportation Department via our online portal, by phone at 315-453-0287, or by emailing
In this section, you’ll find forms to request or modify transportation services. Please click on the relevant form to either complete it online or download the PDF for submission via email or fax. Be sure to adhere to all deadlines set by the State Education Department, as submissions after these dates may not be accommodated. Depending on the type of request, you may need to print out the form or enter a password for secure access. For any additional questions, feel free to contact the Liverpool Central School District Transportation Center at 315-453-0287.
- (Babysitter Requests in a Different Enrollment Quadrants Must Be Made Through the Elementary Education Office) Download the Babysitter Request Form
Kindergarten and First Grade Bus Drop-off Procedures
When an Authorized person is not at the bus stop for a student in kindergarten or 1st grade, the following procedure will be followed:
1) The student will remain on the bus and the driver will continue on the route. The Transportation Center office will contact a parent/guardian at the listed phone numbers.
2) If a parent/guardian is contacted, arrangements will be made for the parent to pick the child up at the Transportation Center or another agreed upon safe location at the end of the bus route. The bus will not travel off the designated route.
3) If a parent/guardian is not contacted, the Transportation Center office will contact the school the student attends, notify the principal of the situation and verify the student's information.
4) Continued efforts will be made to contact the parent/guardian.
Upon completion of the bus route and the parent/guardian has not been contacted, the following steps will be taken:
1) If staff is available at the student's school, the student will be returned to the school.
2) If staff is not available at the student's school, the student will be returned to the Transportation Center.
3) A School Bus Attendant will be assigned to watch the students until the parent/guardian arrives to pick up the student. They will receive a copy of this procedure.
4) A parent may designate someone else to pick up the child. In all cases, proper identification will be required.
5) Should a parent/guardian not be contacted by 5:00 pm, the Superintendent of Schools and the Police Department will be contacted. A repeat occurrence will also prompt a report to the Department of Social Services.
Follow-up Procedures
1) School Principals and the School Superintendent will be informed of students that return to the Transportation Center.
2) The Transportation Center will maintain a list of incidents when a student was returned to the school or the Transportation Center.
3) After 1st incident, parent receives a copy of this procedure.
4) After 2nd incident, parent receives a letter requiring them to resolve the issue.
5) After 3rd incident, Department of Social Services are notified, a second letter is issued.
6) After 4th incident, Transportation will be denied until the issue is resolved.
School bus stops are chosen as central locations for multiple households and these have changed with Education 2020 redistricting. Neutral street corners are utilized as often as possible. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to get the student (s) to the school bus stop five mintues prior to the scheduled school bus arrival.
Be aware our school bus schedules are timed routes. All school buses are utilized multiple times throughout the day and are assigned designated arrival times at various schools. All school buses have predetermined number of stops and we do not add unapproved stops to any school bus routes.
A request to change a student's bus stop must be made in writing. Please print and fill out the form, and mail or fax to the Liverpool Transportation Center. Changes may be considered for compelling safety reasons only and will not be made multiple times in a year.
Requests for bus stop changes will not be accepted over the phone. You will need to provide the information requested to the transportation department. You may complete the online form or download and submit the form by fax to 315-453-0282. All requests will be reviewed prior to a approved decision. Please allow at least three weeks for requests to be processed.
Please use this form when you have a request for your child to be picked up and/or dropped off at a Non-Public school for the school year 2024-2025. This form may be mailed or faxed to the Liverpool Transportation Center.
Please note the Filing Deadline
Please call the Transportation Center (315-453-0287) with any questions.
LCSD parents and guardians must make a request for student transportation to any childcare provider within district boundaries.
Requests for transportation to a babysitter within a student’s home school boundaries must be submitted to the LCSD Transportation Department. Please download the form at the bottom of this page and mail or fax to the Transportation Department.
Applications for the 2024-2025 school year must be postmarked by April 1, 2024 to ensure that transportation will be available when school starts in September.